The Future of Sustainable Energy


Magnetic Generators

KALTN Magnetic generators capable of generating their own electricity and operating in an infinite loop, come with numerous advantages such as their features, benefits, and eco-friendly nature.

The KALTN Magnetic Generators

At the heart of our venture lies the Kaltn Magnetic Generator, a revolutionary innovation poised to transform the way we generate and consume energy.

This cutting-edge technology harnesses the power of magnets to produce a renewable and environmentally friendly source of electricity. Designed for efficiency, reliability, and sustainability, the Kaltn Magnetic

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the permanent magnet generator easy to install? What's the status of the installation?

KALTN Generators are very useful and easy to install. We will offer the installation guide with the products, you can complete the installation within 3 minutes by following the guide.

What are the materials of KALTN Generator? What is your advantage?

We use cold-rolled cast iron silicon steel sheet for the generator shell and core. NdFeb magnet rotor is very strong to support high rotation speeds.

How to maintain KALTN to extend its service life?

Maintenance of KALTN Generators is free of charge. The entire service life of the device is 20 years. It has been designed using simple and durable materials to avoid any problems in the mechanical parts. The life of the engine used is considered to be approximately 5 years. It will only take a few minutes to replace the engine, which is fixed to the body with 4 bolts, with a new one.

Why Choose Us

We born out of a vision to create a cleaner and more sustainable future, Polilingvo Energy Solutions embarked on a 4 years research journey.

Our team of dedicated engineers, scientists, and visionaries pooled their expertise to explore the untapped potential of magnetic technology in power generation.

Through tireless efforts and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, we successfully brought to life the Kaltn Magnetic Generator.

A company of creation, innovation and efficiency

A global leap in clean energy

Tel.: +48 883 057 547 - +48 733 712 474 - +962 7 9793 3624

[email protected]

Polilingvo spz o.. / Swiety Marcin 29 / 8, 61 - 001 - 001 Poznan' / Poland